It is compulsory for all classes to perform an item during the concert.
Choose a piece of cultural song/music that is not more than 3 minutes long.
Perform an item using this song as a class. Everybody have to be part of the performance.
The performance can take the form of a song, dance, that reflects the cultural awareness of that song.
Your Form Teacher has to approve the song selected.
You may bring in the necessary props and relevant items that will assist you in your performance. However, avoid bulky and cumbersome items which may hinder movements on and off stage.
Class cooperation and participation is of paramount importance and it will be part of the assessment criteria. So, get all your classmates up and going in this class performance!
You are required to make your entrance and exit from the stage within 1 minute. TIME is an ESSENCE and it will be counted as part of the assessment.
The assessment rubrics for the CLASS ITEM performance is as above. Click on the image to have a larger view of the assessment criteria.
Things to take into consideration:
- You have to choose a piece of cultural music for your performance
- No explicit/vulgar or inappropriate content is to be exhibited in your performance. It has to be rated (G) aka Disney-cartoon ratings =)
- As you have limited stage time performance, the usage of props should not be too bulky or cumbersome to move.